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Company name:
Zip/Postal Code:
Phone Number):
Fax Number:
Pallet Stringer Length:
Pallet Width:
Are these pallets to be exported? If yes, where to?
Yes No
Estimated Monthly Quantity:
10 - 4 =
Entry Style:
Two Way Four Way Either
Softwood Lumber Mixed Lumber Hardwood Lumber
Deck board Style:
Flush Single Wing Double Wing No Preference Unknown
Deckboard Thickness (please select the closest to current):
7/16 inch 1/2 inch 5/8 inch 3/4 inch 13/16 inch Other
Number of Top Deckboards at 4" wide:
Number of Top Deckboards at 6" wide:
Number of Bottom Deckboards at 4" wide:
Number of Bottom Deckboards at 6" wide:
Number of Stringers:
Stringer Thickness: Please select the closest to current
1 inch 1.125 inches 1.25 inches 1.375 inches 1.5 inches 1.625 inches 1.75 inches 1.875 inches 2 inches Other...
If 'Other', please specify:
If 'Yes', Please Specify:
Racked across length:
Yes No:
Racked across width:
Do you load your pallets with product and then stack them one on top of the other?:
» If Yes, how high: One Two Three Four Five Six Seven Eight Nine Ten
Delivery Instructions:
Flatbed Delivery Van Delivery
Quantity per Delivery (estimate):
FOB Point: